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How to report abuse and neglect

El-Paso-First-NewsletterThe Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) requires network Providers to forward any report findings they receive to the appropriate managed care organization. El Paso First Network Providers who have received abuse, neglect and exploitation (ANE) report findings on El Paso First Members from the Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) or Department of Aging and Disability Services (DADS) must submit a copy of the report to El Paso First within ONE business day from the date the report is received. In addition, any ANE report findings received on or after Sept. 1, 2015, must also be reported to El Paso First immediately.

Providers can submit ANE report findings to El Paso First via email at [email protected], which is secure and confidential.

For additional information on reporting abuse, neglect and exploitation:

  • Texas Family Code 261.404 and Human Resources code Chapter 48 require any person to report any allegation or suspicion of ANE against a child, an adult with a disability or an elderly adult to the appropriate entities.
  • To report suspicion of ANE of a child, contact the DFPS at 1-800-252-5400
  • To report an adult or child who resides in or receives services from nursing or assisted facilities, home and community support agencies, adult day care, and foster care facilities, contact the DADS at 1-800-647-7418

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this information, please call the Provider Relations department at 1-877-532-3778, ext. 1507