Efforts to save new moms clash with GOP’s Medicaid cuts
/in News/by tachpEfforts to save new moms clash with GOP’s Medicaid cuts
By Renuka Rayasam and Brianna Ehley
The push to address the soaring U.S. maternal morality rate is colliding with a broader, more ideological public health imperative: Republican-led efforts to scale back Medicaid.
The safety net program pays for half of all births in the nation. Democrats and many public health experts see it as a natural vessel for slowing the death toll of pregnant women and new mothers, by extending care in the crucial year following childbirth.
But concern over the potentially staggering cost has already quashed efforts in states such as Texas and left liberals in Congress glum over the prospects for a nationwide legislative fix.
“Medicaid represents the best of America and the administration’s effort to gut it would be a massive step backwards on confronting America’s maternal mortality crisis,” Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) wrote in an email.
The dynamic mirrors the federal response to the opioid epidemic, in which Republicans and the Trump administration support making addiction services more available while simultaneously working to shrink Medicaid, the largest single payer of behavioral and maternal health care.
Research has shown the risk of death after childbirth persists for a full year, from such factors as heart disease, stroke, infections and severe bleeding. Black and Native American women are about three times more likely to die from a pregnancy-related cause as white women, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Warren, along with fellow 2020 Democratic presidential contenders Sens. Bernie Sanders, Cory Booker and Amy Klobuchar, back extending Medicaid’s current requirement to cover new mothers from 60 days to one year after childbirth. Democratic proposals in the Senate, S. 916 (116), from Dick Durbin of Illinois, and in the House, H.R. 1897 (116) and H.R. 2602 (116), from Reps. Robin Kelly of Illinois and Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts would do that along with provide states grants to improve hospital deliver practices, among other things.
But the efforts aren’t yielding GOP buy-in across the country, as conservative lawmakers keen on shrinking the program press for narrower fixes, such as increased data collection on deaths and a national standard of best medical practices. Proposals to enhance Medicaid coverage to address maternal mortality haven’t attracted a single Republican co-sponsor in Congress, with both sides at loggerheads on whether to grow or shrink the entitlement program.
“All mothers must have access to adequate care before and after delivery, and we should provide states with the tools and flexibility they need to ensure coverage of their most vulnerable populations,” Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) told POLITICO.
A Republican aide said GOP lawmakers are focused on getting a better picture of how many pregnant and postpartum women actually need coverage before exploring how to expand access to care. “That is a laborious process to undertake as we have to talk to both the states, stakeholders, and CMS to discern what coverage gaps exist. And we need to know the role other sources of coverage play as well,” the aide said.
Democrats say the prospect of expanding Medicaid benefits scares Republicans in an era of pitched partisan battles over health policy.
“Following the ACA and repeal Obamacare debates, health care, especially Medicaid experience, has become a hot issue — not quite a third rail but definitely hot and our GOP counterparts are a little squeamish,” a Democratic aide working on the issue said.
President Donald Trump last year signed a maternal care measure that directed millions of dollars in new spending to help states collect data on maternal mortality, but has been mum on extending Medicaid coverage to new mothers. His administration will weigh whether to allow Missouri to use its Medicaid programs to offer extended coverage to mothers struggling with addiction — but not the broader Medicaid population.
Meanwhile, the administration is aggressively pursuing an overhaul of Medicaid, finalizing proposals to allow states to apply for block grants that cap program spending and approving requests to condition benefits on work. The administration’s separate efforts to overturn Obamacare would also jeopardize federal subsidies that low-income mothers use to purchase coverage.
The focus on maternal mortality is driven by rising trend lines showing about 700 women die each year due to pregnancy related conditions a rate that’s more than doubled over the last three decades. About a third of the fatalities occur between one week and one year postpartum, according to a recent CDC report, putting the U.S. behind other developed countries for maternal health. And 60 percent of maternal deaths are preventable, with African American women and other minorities disproportionately affected.
Researchers studying the pattern say that extending Medicaid coverage would provide comprehensive benefits for chronic health conditions like heart disease, which accounts for a quarter of maternal deaths.
“The postpartum period is such a period of vulnerability,” said Houston physician Lisa Hollier, immediate past president of American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and chair of Texas’s Maternal Mortality and Morbidity task force. “The transition time [from pregnancy to full recovery] is one when we see unmet health needs.”
Obamacare helped boost coverage for new mothers. The uninsured rate for women who reported giving birth in the past year fell to 11.3 percent in 2016 from 19.2 percent in 2013 according to a study in Health Affairs.
The gains in states that expanded their Medicaid programs under Obamacare were especially pronounced, with the uninsured rate among new mothers falling 56 percent compared with 29 percent in non-expansion states.
But the Republican-led push to dial back Medicaid expansion has put a spotlight on controlling spending across the entire program.
Some states are exploring alternatives. Missouri’s Department of Social Services this month intends to ask the Trump administration for a waiver that would allow it to offer Medicaid coverage to postpartum women struggling with substance abuse for one year after they give birth. The move would cover about 1,500 of the 24,000 women in the state whose benefits lapse 60 days after childbirth.
The state’s Republican-controlled legislature endorsed the idea last year after killing a broader expansion of Medicaid benefits to postpartum women.
In Texas, where 382 women died within a year of giving birth between 2012 and 2015, Republican Gov. Greg Abbott this week downplayed the state’s maternal mortality rate on Twitter and said that the state was already doing enough to deal with the issue.
Last month, legislators opted to develop postpartum care services within an existing state program geared towards family planning, which will cost about $56 million over five years, instead of extending Medicaid for 12 months, which carried a five-year price tag of nearly $1 billion in state and federal funds.
Kay Ghahremani, the state’s Medicaid director disputes the cost analysis, saying it would actually save money in the long run by promoting wellness and averting potential emergencies.
“It’s the most important thing we can do for maternal health in this state,” said Ghahremani, now president of the Texas Association of Community Health Plans. “We don’t want to see a single mom die from things that are avoidable.”
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/in News/by tachpEl Paso, Texas – January 9, 2019 – Frank J. Dominguez, President
“Frank will step in as TACHP chair with the unanimous support of the community health plans in Texas. He is passionate about his work on behalf of Texans needing healthcare and is also a successful businessman known for his savvy with running an efficient and quality operation,” said Kay Ghahremani, President and CEO of Texas Association of Community Health Plans. “Frank’s combination of heart and innovation has caught the eye of Texas policymakers. TACHP is fortunate that Frank has agreed to take on this important role.”
“We are proud of the work that Frank does at the state level. We look forward to watching him continue to help Texans improve their health in this new role with TACHP,” said Steve DeGroat, Board Chairman of El Paso Health.
“Frank is the ideal leader to assume this tremendous responsibility,” said Jacob Cintron, President
For more information, call 915-532-3778 or visit www.elpasohealth.com.
About El Paso Health
El Paso Health is a local, private, non-profit organization. It is a Texas-licensed health maintenance organization (HMO) established by the El Paso County Hospital District to enter into a contract with the Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) for the purpose of improving access to medical care for STAR and CHIP members in El Paso and Hudspeth Counties.
FirstCare Health Plans Bringing Medicare Special Needs Plan to West Texas
/in News/by tachpAUSTIN, Texas, Dec. 4, 2018 — Today, officials at FirstCare Health Plans announced the new FirstCare Advantage Dual SNP (HMO SNP) plan, which is back after a brief absence, and available in the Lubbock and Amarillo communities.
The plan is designed to meet the special needs of those with Medicare and Medicaid. They must be eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid in order to enroll in FirstCare Advantage Dual SNP, and they must reside in one of the following Texas counties: Carson, Crosby, Deaf Smith, Floyd, Garza, Hale, Hockley, Hutchinson, Lamb, Lubbock, Lynn, Potter, Randall, Swisher, and/or Terry.
“We are excited to introduce a new plan for 2019—FirstCare Advantage Dual SNP for Medicare beneficiaries with both Medicare and Medicaid,” said FirstCare Assistant Vice President of Government Programs Danielle Jaber. “At FirstCare, we’ve been helping Texans cut through health care confusion for over 30 years. We’re proud to be a part of the communities we serve, and we believe all Texans should have access to affordable, high-quality health care.”
For 2019, beneficiaries will be able to access a number of programs that enhance the care and services covered under the FirstCare Advantage Dual SNP plan. These include assigning dedicated case managers to members who need help accessing care, providing education and support to members who have certain chronic conditions, connecting members to a pharmacist who helps them manage their medicines, accessing telemedicine services via FirstCare Virtual Care—powered by MDLIVE, and providing a free phone service for members that allows them to talk with a nurse about their health concerns—24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Medicare beneficiaries can enroll in FirstCare Advantage Dual SNP during the federally regulated Annual Enrollment Period (AEP) from October 15, to December 7, 2018, with benefits effective January 1, 2019. Certain circumstances allow for enrollment throughout the year, outside of AEP. For more information, prospective members are encouraged to call 1-866-229-4969 (TTY users call 1-800-562-5259), October 1 – March 31, 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. Central Time (CT), daily; April 1 – September 30, 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. CT, Monday – Friday. They can also write to: FirstCare Advantage Dual SNP (HMO SNP); Attn: Customer Service; 1901 W. Loop 289, Suite 9; Lubbock, Texas 79407. If you speak Spanish, language assistance services are available to you. Si usted habla español, tenemos servicios de asistencia de idiomas disponibles para usted.
FirstCare Advantage Dual SNP (HMO SNP) is a Health plan with a Medicare contract and a contract with the Texas Medicaid program. Enrollment in FirstCare Advantage Dual SNP (HMO SNP) depends on contract renewal.
About FirstCare Health Plans
At FirstCare, our mission is to work together to serve our customers and build healthier communities—one member at a time. Since 1985, we’ve been serving the health care needs of members across North, West, and Central Texas. Today, our service area includes 143 counties, with local offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Lubbock, and corporate offices in Austin, Texas. We offer a wide range of HMO, PPO, HSA, and ASO products through a variety of programs, including small and large employer plans; state, federal and teacher plans; government programs; and the Health Insurance Marketplace. With the support of our owners, Covenant Health in Lubbock and Hendrick Health System in Abilene, we serve over 150,000 members. For more information, please visit FirstCare.com.
Obamacare sign-ups set to begin for 2019
/in News/by tachpLocal advocates get word out as Obamacare sign-ups set to begin for 2019
Open enrollment for 2019 health insurance under the Affordable Care Act is about to kick off — as is the annual effort by local health care advocates to overcome a fresh crop of challenges that could deter people from signing up.
Beginning Thursday and running through Dec. 15, subsidy-eligible insurance plans are available on the federal marketplace — HealthCare.gov — that will provide health coverage starting Jan. 1. Four companies are offering plans in the Austin area for 2019, the same as this year.
The United Way for Greater Austin, with support from Travis County’s health district, is providing a call center for information and assistance during the upcoming enrollment period for people who want coverage. To access the service, area residents can dial 211 on their telephones.
The biggest change for 2019 to the Affordable Care Act — commonly known as Obamacare — is that those who opt to forgo health insurance altogether won’t be required to pay a tax penalty.
Republicans in Congress, who have been seeking to weaken the Affordable Care Act after failing to repeal it, approved tax legislation in 2017 that abolishes the fine beginning next year. President Donald Trump — an opponent of the Affordable Care Act — signed the measure.
“Historically, there has been a carrot and a stick” to persuade people without health insurance to sign up for coverage, said Elizabeth Krause, senior program officer in charge of health insurance enrollment at St. David’s Foundation. “We have lost the stick in terms of the tax penalties, but the carrot still exists” because subsidies for health insurance remain available.
St. David’s Foundation, a philanthropic entity funded through its co-ownership of the hospital, plans to spend $500,000 this year — up from about $300,000 last year — to publicize open enrollment and to support community groups that help people sign up for coverage. Krause said the extra spending is aimed at partially offsetting new cuts this year to federal funding for such efforts.
“We’re getting the word out that the Affordable Care Act still exists and there is help enrolling for people who need assistance and there are still discounts available,” Krause said.
But the lack of a penalty for 2019 could nonetheless prompt some people to forgo insurance, which health care advocates fear will leave them financially vulnerable if they suffer unforeseen health problems. If large numbers of relatively young and healthy people decide not to sign up, it also could begin to destabilize the Obamacare insurance marketplace by skewing enrollment too far toward those who are older, sicker and have higher medical bills.
Other recent changes by the Trump administration also could lead to lower Affordable Care Act enrollment.
Federal funding has been reduced for the second year in a row for organizations that help people evaluate their Affordable Care Act options and enroll in coverage. In Texas, the federal money has been cut from $6.1 million last year to about $1.4 million — and none of it is going to groups working in the Austin metro area.
In addition, the administration has cleared the way for the eventual sale of more short-term health insurance policies that don’t have to comply with the Affordable Care Act’s minimum requirements, including coverage of pre-existing conditions. Opponents contend these policies could confuse consumers and leave those opting for them over Obamacare-compliant plans with unpleasant surprises if they haven’t familiarized themselves with the fine print.
“There have been attempts at the federal level to erode the marketplace and really chip away at the viability” of the Affordable Care Act, said Kay Ghahremani, chief executive of the Texas Association of Community Health Plans. The tax penalty in particular “really was a foundation (of the law), and no one knows exactly how (enrollment) is going to play out” without it.
Still, Ghahremani and other health care advocates are taking some solace from open enrollment last year, when a variety of moves by the Trump administration that were viewed as attempts to undercut the Affordable Care Act failed to result in big declines in sign-up numbers.
Last year’s enrollment period for 2018 coverage was cut in half — to six weeks, the same as this year — but sign-ups still reached 97 percent of the previous total nationally and about 92 percent of the previous total statewide.
In the Austin metro area — including Travis, Williamson, Hays, Bastrop, Caldwell and Burnet counties — combined enrollment for 2018 coverage came in at about 93,000 people, or about 85 percent of the previous year. Enrollment was 58,557 in Travis County, 20,660 in Williamson County and 7,817 in Hays County.
“There is a risk (that enrollment numbers could drop this year), but I don’t think the penalty was the biggest driver” fueling sign-ups, Ghahremani said. “There is a lot of evidence that people want health insurance, and there is so much need” for it.
In Texas, the state’s nation-leading rate of uninsured people is evidence of the potential demand. About 17.3 percent of Texans lacked health insurance in 2017, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, a figured that inched up from 16.6 percent in 2016 after declining from just above 22 percent in 2013 — the year before Affordable Care Act coverage took effect.
Kori Hattemer, director of financial programs for local nonprofit Foundation Communities, said she’s optimistic as the start of open enrollment nears. Foundation Communities, which receives funding from St. David’s Foundation, is training upwards of 100 volunteers to help people sign up for coverage.
“There are challenges every year,” Hattemer said. “But we have incredible local support, and the people we work with want to have health insurance and they see the value of having health insurance — with or without a mandate.”
As reported by the Statesman https://www.statesman.com/news/20181027/local-advocates-get-word-out-as-obamacare-sign-ups-set-to-begin-for-2019
DALLAS, TEXAS (Oct. 23, 2018) – Scott and White Health Plan, part of Baylor Scott & White Health, has signed a definitive agreement to acquire FirstCare Health Plans.
This acquisition will allow the two provider-owned health plans to come together to create a more comprehensive and sustainable insurer with a driving focus on enhancing the customer experience through advanced technology.
“For more than 35 years, Scott and White Health Plan has served Central Texas and surrounding communities,” said Jeff Ingrum, CEO of Scott and White Health Plan. “Uniting our health plans will allow us to ensure the long-term viability for both, continuing our histories of Texans serving Texans.”
Collectively, the plans cover nearly 400,000 members. Once finalized, the acquisition will mean for those members an expanded network of providers in the communities the health plans serve.
“We are confident this is in the best interest of our members, providers, agents and employees,” said Darnell Dent, President and CEO of FirstCare Health Plans. “I am proud of FirstCare’s legacy of excellence, compassion and high-quality service to our communities in North, West and Central Texas. We are looking forward to advancing that legacy.”
The definitive agreement signed by Scott and White Health Plan and FirstCare Health Plans’ owners, Covenant Health System and Hendrick Health System, is now subject to regulatory approval. Pending that approval, the acquisition is expected to be finalized in early 2019.
It is important to note that nothing changes for members or employees of either health plan today.
For more information on Scott and White Health Plan, visit: SWHP.org. For more on FirstCare Health Plans, visit: FirstCare.com.
About Scott and White Health Plan
At Scott and White Health Plan, our mission is to be the most trusted name in giving and receiving safe, quality, compassionate healthcare. As the #1 rated private health insurer in Texas, we are proud to increase access to high-quality, coordinated patient care for more than 220,000 of our friends, families and neighbors in 80 counties across Central, East, North, and West Texas. For more information on our innovative, integrated delivery capabilities, quality programs that drive savings and best-in-class member experience, visit SWHP.org.
About FirstCare Health Plans
At FirstCare, our mission is to work together to serve our customers and build healthier communities— one member at a time. Since 1985, we’ve been serving the health care needs of members across North, West, and Central Texas. Today, our service area includes 143 counties, with local offices in Abilene, Amarillo, Lubbock, and corporate offices in Austin, Texas. We offer a wide range of HMO, PPO, HSA, and ASO products through a variety of programs, including small and large employer plans; state, federal and teacher plans; government programs; and the Health Insurance Marketplace. With the support of our owners, Covenant Health in Lubbock and Hendrick Health System in Abilene, we serve over 160,000 members. For more information, please visit FirstCare.com.
Why is Texas suing to strike down Obamacare?
/in News/by tachp“Your honor, I’m suing my family today to force them to accept my list of vacation locations. A second lawsuit will hold my church accountable for services exceeding one hour. I anticipate several amicus briefs.”
Living by filing lawsuits seems crazy, doesn’t it? As adults we should have reasonable discussions with others to explore choices and resolve disagreements outside the court system, right?
Try telling this to the State of Texas, which has sued the federal government more than 50 times in the last 10 years at a taxpayer cost exceeding $15 million. Texas just spent $7 million on a years-long lawsuit because they didn’t want to air condition a state prison in which inmates had died from the heat. The kicker, at least financially? Texas could have saved $3 million of our taxpayer dollars fixing the problem. Texas has sued against clean air and clean water regulations, immigration policies, health insurance, voting rights — and the list unfortunately goes on and on.
Please read compeltestory in the Houston Chronicle https://www.houstonchronicle.com/local/gray-matters/article/texas-obamacare-lawsuit-13204630.php
Medicaid is working for Texas families
/in News/by tachpWith a poverty rate of 48.8%, Fabens is the poorest town in Texas and it’s the only town where more than half of households live on less than $25,000 a year. Fabens is home to closely 10,000 men, women and children, of which 80% receive their health coverage through Medicaid.
In 2010, one of the last Kellogg Community Partnership (school based) Clinics in the El Paso area closed its doors. Without that nearby clinic, impoverished Fabens families had limited access to health care. Without a single bus line servicing Fabens, residents found traveling to access health care was grueling.
In 2012, I established the only private, stand-alone, family medical clinic in Fabens. It functions as a result of our partnership with El Paso Health who contracts with the state to manage Medicaid in our region. President and CEO Frank J. Dominguez makes personal visits to doctor’s offices. Dominguez and I believe it is critical to provide customized clinical services, according to the community needs, and to support the way Texas runs Medicaid using the managed care model.
This approach allows plans, such as El Paso Health, the flexibility to develop unique programs. Annually, they organize healthy Thanksgiving dinners and provide back-to-school backpacks loaded with school supplies.
We invest Medicaid funds in the latest technology for screenings and other preventive equipment enabling clinic efficiencies. For example, we have the ability to perform an in-office EKG and confidently assure a mother that her son’s heart is performing well, easing her mind while preventing an unnecessary hospital visit.
Our approach also means working beyond typical office hours. Fabens patients know that they can knock on my door, even after 5 p.m., and I will see them. It means sharing my cell phone number with patients and driving to meet a family in a shopping mall parking lot on a Saturday for a child that needs stitches.
Our specialist partners also open their doors so our patients avoid costly ER and hospital visits.
Today, these investments and modifications have paid off. Our clinic is one of the highest-ranked for meeting critical state standards for preventive health care and pediatric checkups called Texas Health Steps. For my patients, the number of ER visits that could have been prevented, a common measure used by the state and El Paso Health to determine outcomes, is by far the lowest rate in El Paso, and one of the lowest in Texas. Our clinic costs are also some of the lowest in the entire state Medicaid program, making our partnership a win for both patients and taxpayers.
As Texas legislators examine the effectiveness of the family medical clinic in Fabens, we, together with El Paso Health, want them to understand what we know firsthand. Medicaid is working for Texas families. We call on state leadership to continue to support the Medicaid so that clinics like the one in Fabens thrive.
Dr. Ulysses Urquidi operates the only private family medical clinic in Fabens.
Your Turn
Ulysses Urquidi Guest columnist
New lives, bright futures in South Texas
/in News/by tachpAs a pediatric anesthesiologist in South Texas, I have logged countless hours in operating rooms caring for babies who have undergone multiples surgeries — some in the moments after birth. These have been some of the most heartbreaking moments of my life. Sadly, many of these surgeries could have been prevented if someone had stepped in and provided support to the expectant mothers, taking their hand and walking them through the steps of a healthy pregnancy and delivery, as well as providing special help in complicated preg-nancies.
Much of what I witnessed was under the old way that Texas ran its Medicaid program — the fee-for-service model. Under this approach, the state paid doctors and other providers for the quantity of services they provided — not the quality of those services. Care was fragmented. Ultimately Texas moved to today’s model — the managed care approach — in which the state partners with private health insurers who have the tools and expertise to boost quality while keeping costs affordable. This modern approach lends itself to more flexibility and more creativity, which has led to coordinated care and a focus on prevention. Over the years, both as a physician and today as an administrator with our Medicaid plan, Driscoll Health Plan, I have seen a slow but steady transformation of the Medicaid program in Texas. A snapshot of that transformation is the incredible gains we have made for mothers and babies in South Texas.
Read original story as published by The Monitor http://www.themonitor.com/opinion/columnists/article_b164dd98-5ae3-11e8-baef-db7733dbec4f.html
Our mission is to engage our membership in collective efforts promoting quality healthcare and administrative efficiency, particularly for services to Texans at low to moderate incomes. Over 2 million people receive healthcare through our member health plans, covering all counties in the state.