The lie that won’t die: No, Obamacare doesn’t kill jobs

Let’s obliterate a serious health care threat: Zombies. Yes, zombies. They have become a recognized peril. Even the U. S. Centers for Disease Control website instructs us how to prepare for a Zombie Apocalypse. Join the CDC task force, and you might earn a zombie T-shirt.

The zombie I’m hunting is an undead political idea, one that threatens health care. It is the Obamacare Job-Killer Zombie.

Unlike garden-variety zombies, who simply hunger for good gray matters, the Obamacare Job-Killer Zombie comes to life during political campaigns. Fed mostly by politicians, the OJK Zombie roars threats from our television screens. As I have written before, the Affordable Care Act is far from perfect, and there is a long list of things I would change if we could ever talk about ACA 2.0. But “Obamacare is a job-killer!” is the lie that won’t die.

Originally published in the Houston Chronicle:


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